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Les Indiens d'Amérique : 1960-1961
Disque compact
Edité par Frémeaux & Associés - 1960
- Contient
- Fast cheyenne war dance
- Ponca helushka dance
- Fast sioux war dance/ William Horncloud
- Arikara war dance/ Ralph Wells/ Ralph Wells III
- My enemy, I come after your good white horse (Arikara)
- Omaha helushka
- Ponca war dance
- New taos war dance
- Kiowa slow war dance
- Kiowa fast war dance
- Bloody knife's warrior song (Arikara)
- Chief's honoring song (Sioux)
- The old glory raising on Iwo jima (Navajo)
- Korea memorial song (Sioux)
- Navajo hoop dance song/ Roger McCabe
- I'm in love with a navajo boy/ Patsy Cassadore
- Navajo gift dance song
- Crow push dance song
- Pawnee hand game song/ Lawrence Murie
- Shawnee stomp dance
- 49 Dance song (Plains
- The prisoner's song (Tewa)/ Leo Lecapa/ Valentino Lecapa
- Girl who is afraid of boys (Apache)/ Philip Cassadore
- The bear dance (Ute)/ Eddie Box/ James Mills
- Mountain by the sea (Pima)/ Paul Martin/ Dan Thomas
- The mescalero trail (Apache)/ Patsy Cassadore/ Murray Cassa
- Montana grass song
- Apache mountain spirit song
- Lightning song (Apache)
- Sun dance song (Cheyenne)/ Philip Whiteman/ Harvey Whitman
- Sun dance song (Arapahoe)
- Ute sun dance/ Eddie Box/ James Mills
- Song of the black mountain (Pagao-o'dham)
- Song of the green rainbow (Papago-odham)
- Navajo yei-be-chai chant
- Zuni buffalo dance/ L. Shebaba/ R. Gasper
- Hopi basket dance
- Our father's thoughts are shining down (Paiute)
- Ceremonial song (Paiute)
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