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The Sound of Shakespeare / John Dowland
Disque compact
Edité par Parlophone - 1987
Voici un parcours magnifique autour de la musique anglaise au temps de Shakespeare de la fin du XVIème siècle au début du XVIIème siècle, période de règne d'Elisabeth I au cours de laquelle la musique est en étroite relation avec la poésie et où la reine a soutenu nombre de grands compositeurs en les engageant pour la Chapelle Royale.
- Contient
- Nuttmigs and ginger/ Anonyme
- Mother watkins ale/ Anonyme
- Barrow faustus dreame/ Edmund Kete
- Stingo/ Anonyme
- Paggington's pound/ Anonyme
- Bony sweet boy/ Anonyme
- Willsons wilde/ Anonyme
- Care charminge sleepe/ Robert Johnson
- Short allmain/ John Johnson
- Away delights/ Robert Johnson
- Robin is to the Greenwood gone/ Anonyme
- [Passamezzo moderno]/ Anonyme
- Green garters/ Anonyme
- Fortune my foe/ Anonyme
- Chi passa per 'strada/ Filippo Azzaiolo
- Bonny sweet robin/ Anonyme
- Guillims dumpe/ Anonyme
- O deathe, rock me a sleepe/ Anonyme
- Browning my dere/ Clement Woodcock
- Hackney/ Clement Woodcock
- My lord willoughbies/ Anonyme
- What if a day/ Thomas Campion
- Green sleeves/ Anonyme
- Grimstock/ Anonyme
- Joyne Hands/ Thomas Morley
- Phillips Paven/ Peter Phillips
- Galliard to Phillips Paven/ Peter Phillips
- A lieta vita/ Thomas Morley
- O griefe, even on the bud/ Thomas Morley
- Our bonny boots could toote it/ Thomas Morley
- Pavin/ Thomas Morley
- Gaillard/ Thomas Morley
- Sola soletta/ Giovanni Conversi
- In nomine pavin/ Nicholas Strogers
- Gaillard to in nomine/ Nicholas Strogers
- La coranto/ Anonyme
- Sleepe slumb'ring eyes/ Thomas Morley
- Thyrsis and milla/ Thomas Morley
- Mousiers almaine/ Anonyme
- The sacred end pavin/ Thomas Morley
- Pavan/ Thomas Morley
- Galliard/ Thomas Morley
- A painted tale/ Thomas Morley
- Faire in a morne/ Thomas Morley
- Said I that amarillis/ Thomas Morley
- Now is the gentle season/ Thomas Morley
- Harke! Alleluia cheerly/ Thomas Morley
- Hard by a cristall fountaine/ Thomas Morley
- Now is the moneth of Maying/ Thomas Morley
- O mistresse mine/ Anonyme
- My lord of Oxenfords maske/ Anonyme
- Go crystal tears (The firste booke of songes of Ayres)/ John Dowland
- Awake sweet love, thou art returned (The firste booke of songes of Ayres)/ John Dowland
- His golden locks time hath to silver turned (The firste booke of songes of Ayres)/ John Dowland
- Now, O now I needs must part (The second booke of songes of Ayres)/ John Dowland
- A shepherd in a shade (The third booke of songes of Ayres)/ John Dowland
- What if I never speed ?/ John Dowland
- Songs of sundrie natures/ William Byrd
- Corant (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Where the bee sucks (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Fantasia I (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Hark, hark! the lark! (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Pavan I (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Come, heavy sleep (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Galliard I (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Full fathom five (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Alman I (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Have you seen the white lily grow ? (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Alman III (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Robert Johnson
- Tell me, dearest (Theatre Music of Shakespeare's lutenist)/ Hilliard Ensemble (The)
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